• Sodexo announces that the Pluxee listing prospectus has been approved and is available on its website

    Источник: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire / 10 янв 2024 00:30:00   America/Chicago

    Regulated Information

    Sodexo announces that the Pluxee listing prospectus has been approved and is available on its website

    Issy-les-Moulineaux, January 10, 2024 – Sodexo announces that the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten - AFM) has approved the prospectus in connection with the proposed admission to trading and listing of Pluxee’s ordinary shares on Euronext Paris. This prospectus has been passported to the French Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers - AMF).

    The prospectus is now available on the Sodexo website (https://www.sodexo.com/en/investors/financial-results-and-publications/financial-results) and the Pluxee website (https://www.pluxeegroup.com/press/).

    The exceptional in-kind distribution in the form of Pluxee shares and the listing of the Pluxee shares remain subject mainly to the approval by Sodexo shareholders at the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting to be held on January 30, 2024 of the resolution relating to the in-kind distribution and to market conditions.

    The indicative schedule for the in-kind distribution, listing, trading and settlement of the Pluxee ordinary shares on Euronext Paris is as follows:

    January 26, 2024Euronext Paris S.A. notice announcing the in-kind distribution
    Euronext Paris S.A. notice announcing the admission
    January 30, 2024Sodexo's Shareholders Meeting at which the in-kind distribution is to be approved by the shareholders of Sodexo
    January 31, 2024Euronext Paris S.A. notice announcing the technical reference price for the Pluxee ordinary shares
    February 1, 2024Ex date for the Sodexo shares
    Effective date of the in-kind distribution
    Listing date – Listing of Pluxee ordinary shares and commencement of trading under the ticker symbol "PLX" on an "as-if-and-when-delivered" basis
    February 2, 2024Record date
    February 5, 2024Payment date - Delivery of Pluxee ordinary shares(1)
    Settlement of trades in the Pluxee ordinary shares made on February 1, 2024
    Pluxee ordinary shares commence regular trading

    (1)   By exception, on January 31, 2024, Sodexo will transfer to Bellon S.A. the Pluxee ordinary shares to which Bellon S.A. is entitled under the in-kind distribution pursuant to a transfer deed to be entered into between Sodexo and Bellon S.A. on or prior to January 31, 2024. Under this transfer deed Bellon S.A. will undertake to maintain its shareholding in Sodexo between January 31, 2024 and the record date (included).

    For any information regarding the tax treatment of the in-kind distribution, shareholders are invited to read the Report on the exceptional in-kind distribution in the form of Pluxee N.V. shares available on Sodexo’s website.

    Potential investors are invited to read the prospectus before making an investment decision in order to fully
    understand the potential risks and rewards associated with the decision to invest in Pluxee shares. In particular,
    investors’ attention is drawn to the risk factors relating to Pluxee described in Section 1 of the prospectus. The
    occurrence of one or several of these risks could have a material adverse effect on the business, results of operations, financial condition and prospects of Pluxee as well as the price of the Pluxee shares.

    The dates, times and periods given in this timetable, may be adjusted. If this is the case, this will be made public through a press release, which will be posted on Sodexo’s and Pluxee's website. Any other material alterations will be published through a press release that will also be posted on Sodexo’s and Pluxee's website and (if required) in a supplement to the prospectus that is subject to the approval of the AFM.

    About Sodexo

    Founded in Marseille in 1966 by Pierre Bellon, Sodexo is the global leader in sustainable food and valued experiences at every moment in life: learn, work, heal and play. The Group stands out for its independence, its founding family shareholding and its responsible business model. Its portfolio of activities includes Sodexo Food and Facilities Management Services and Pluxee Employee Benefit Solutions, activity for which the Group announced a spin-off with a listing expected on February 1, 2024.
    Sodexo meets all the challenges of everyday life with a dual goal: to improve the quality of life of our employees and those we serve, and contribute to the economic, social and environmental progress in the communities where we operate. For Sodexo, growth and social commitment go hand in hand. Our purpose is to create a better everyday for everyone to build a better life for all.
    Sodexo is included in the CAC Next 20, CAC 40 ESG, CAC SBT 1.5, FTSE 4 Good and DJSI indices.

    Key Figures

    • 22.6 billion euros Fiscal 2023
      consolidated revenues
    • 430,000 employees as at August 31, 2023
    • #1 France-based private employer worldwide
    • 45 countries
    • 80 million consumers served daily
    • 15.1 billion euro in market capitalization
      (as at January 4, 2024)


    This press release is intended for informational purposes only for the shareholders of Sodexo. This press
    release is not intended for distribution in jurisdictions that require prior regulatory review and authorization to distribute a
    press release of this nature.

